Tautra Mariakloster

Not very far from the ruins of the medieval Cistercian monastery, Cistercian nuns have established themselves and built a new permanent monastery.

Most of the founders came from Mississippi Abbey, IOWA, USA, in 1999 along with two Norwegians. Today the new monastery is the new home of several nuns – from the Netherlands, France, Germany, England, Poland, Austria and Vietnam.

In 2006, the foundresses of this monastery – Tautra Mariakloster – completed the permanent monastery. The property where the foundresses previously lived, some 100 meters away, became the guesthouse.

Tautra Mariakloster is a monastic community, living according to Rule of St. Benedict. The nuns try to earn their daily living by producing herbal soaps and cosmetic creams.

Many visitors come to Tautra Mariakloster seeking peace and a deeper relationship with God. Tautra Mariakloster also offers volunteers to come and stay with them for a while. All visitors may enter the abbey at daytime.


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